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Dear Pisces, I cannot imagine a more sensitive, compassionate, and universal sign than you. You possess such an ability to empathize with everyone around you, no matter their background or circumstances. Your intuitive nature means that you're constantly picking up on emotions and vibrations, which can lead to both beautiful moments of connection and overwhelming feelings of intensity. As we near the end of this tumultuous year, I know that you've likely been affected in ways that go beyond what others can see. Perhaps you've been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, absorbing the pain and suffering of those close to you as well as strangers you'll never meet. It's a heavy burden to bear, but it's one that you carry with grace and resilience. I want you to know that it's okay to take a step back when things get too much. It's okay to put yourself first, to prioritize your own wellbeing over the needs of others. I know that this might go against your natural tendencies to put everyone else before yourself, but self-care is essential for your emotional and physical health. As someone who embodies such deep emotions, it's important to find healthy methods for managing your feelings. Whether that means taking a long bath, practicing yoga or meditation, or just giving yourself permission to cry and let it all out, you deserve to prioritize your emotional needs. At the same time, remember that your hypersensitive nature is also a gift. Your ability to connect with others and feel deeply is something that society needs more than ever, especially in times of crisis. Don't let anyone tell you that being emotional is a weakness, for it is precisely that which makes you such a unique and valuable member of the human race. As you move into the next phase of your life, I hope that you continue to embrace your empathetic nature while also giving yourself the care and attention that you deserve. Know that you are loved and appreciated, and that your presence in this world makes it a more beautiful and compassionate place. Sincerely, A Friend


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